Meet the newest member of your sysadmin and support team.

Hayei is a virtual system administrator that helps you prevent downtime on your operations. Proactively resolve incidents before they occur without human intervention.
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Hayei helps you streamline your operations.

Leverage the power of machine learning to make your operations and support team more efficient and effective.

Hayei pulls from a knowledge base of incidents and solutions to prevent issues from happening in your infrastructure, databases, systems, and applications.

Traditional rules-based monitoring

Traditional monitoring is usually metrics and rules-based, for example, “if capacity on storage001 is below 10%, send an alert marked with high severity”.

Traditional monitoring does not check log files, so incoming data only reflects the errors in code. Therefore, error detection is based on what is configured so support teams and sysadmins “don’t know what they don’t know” until it’s too late.

This means: 

  1. A high number of human resources are needed to maintain and support infrastructure and to also deal with incoming end-user trouble tickets and requests.
  2. Recurring issues need to be resolved manually every time. 
  3. Issues are detected after they cause an impact.

Operations with Hayei

An efficient virtual system admin on your team to maintain and support infrastructure.

Recurring incident types are resolved automatically.

Issues are proactively resolved before they can cause an impact.

Manage your end-users’ tickets and requests from a single interface by leveraging an existing knowledge base.

Why do you need a virtual system admin?

Your system admins and support teams are limited by size and time.

Hayei is an intelligent tool that runs non-stop to see patterns in behavior and spot anomalies automatically.

Manage multiple environments

Hayei allows you to connect multiple datasources so you can monitor the states of  infrastructure, databases, and applications wherever they are.

Get rid of your existing help desk software

Manage customer tickets within Hayei. Set default response email templates when corresponding with end-users for more efficient communication.

Grow operations not your team

Empower your team to focus on new problems, and let Hayei help with identifying issues and executing solutions.

Leverage the power of self-healing

Every time Hayei executes an action, it establishes a pattern of incident resolution, so the same actions can be applied in the future for similar incidents.